Advanced Disaster Recovery Inc

Fire Damage Myths and the Truth Behind Them

Fire can cause catastrophic amounts of damage to your home or business, you may even call it the ultimate annihilator. Fire consumes almost everything in its path and what it doesn’t consume it damages. The path left behind fire usually consists of the charred, sooty, and oily residue of what used to be there. As a home or business owner, you are responsible for the safety of the people, contents, and property. Fire prevention safety should be on the top of your list. With that in mind, Advanced Disaster Recovery Inc. in has decided to debunk some common fire damage restoration myths that you may have heard.

First Fire Damage Myth: Smoke Detectors Are All I Need.

Smoke detectors are great at providing an early warning…when in working order. Make sure your smoke detectors are installed properly and have well-charged batteries. Smoke detectors can provide you and your family with the opportunity to stop before it gets out of hand, however, there may be some unforeseen factors that can go wrong. It is crucial that you have an evacuation plan in place for fire damage emergencies. Sit down with your family, housemates, or employees and put together an emergency preparedness plan so, if the time comes, everyone can evacuation the property safely.

You may also want to invest in the appropriate fire extinguishers or sprinkler system for your home or business.  Providing that additional layer of safety can go a long way in preventing fire damage to your property and saving the lives of property residents. Fun Fact: fire sprinkler systems are eligible for insurance rate savings and can increase property value.

Second Fire Damage Myth: Sprinklers Cause Way More Damage

When a fire occurs, typically, only the sprinkler within range of the fire will active, releasing water directing on the fire. The other sprinklers will remain dormant unless the fire spreads. Roughly 85% of the time, during a fire, only one sprinkler will be active.

With that in mind, fire sprinklers can reduce damage and property loss significantly. The sprinkler system will quickly eliminate the heat and control the smoke from the fire, limiting the damage the fire is able to cause. Any resulting water damage is minimal compared to the water damage caused by fire-fighting hose lines.

Third Fire Damage Myth: Most Fires Are Caused My Electrical Malfunctions

According to FEMA, The US Fire Administration, electrical malfunctions is not the leading cause of fire damage, nor is it the second-leading cause of fire damage. Cooking is responsible for nearly half of all house fires reported in the United States. Heating comes in a far second, causing over 12% of the house fires in the US. Electrical house fires come in third with consisting of only 6% of the house fires in the US.

Fourth Fire Damage Myth: Flames Pose The Biggest Threat In A Fire

Flames can cause some major destruction, but smoke inhalation is responsible for most fire-related deaths. Smoke is chalk full of toxic chemicals and is easily inhaled, leading to unconsciousness and then death.

For fire damage and smoke damage cleanup and restoration, make sure you contact a professional certified and insured company like Advanced Disaster Recovery Inc. that knows every step of the fire and smoke restoration process and how to do it correctly.