Advanced Disaster Recovery Inc

How to Rebound from Fire Damage

Fire is the one natural disaster that doesn’t discriminate. No matter where you live, fire is always a risk. We hope that you and your family won’t have to deal with fire and the resulting damage (or any other natural disaster), but if you do, it’s important to be prepared. While you can take several precautionary steps like making copies of important documents, installing smoke detectors, and exercising good judgment in the kitchen, there is one preparation step often missed by homeowners: creating and maintaining a home inventory.

What is a home inventory?

In short, a home inventory is a list or collection of pictures that keeps track of your valuable items. It is a comprehensive report that includes descriptions, price values, and locations of your personal property in Goshen. Since fire has the capacity to wipe out nearly anything, it’s important to have a working inventory for insurance purposes as well as your own personal benefit. Here are some reasons to make the compilation of a home inventory one of your top priorities in preparing for fire damage:

Why should I have an inventory?

The first question that might come to mind is, “Why should I create a home inventory? It sounds overly time-consuming.” Yes, it does take a bit of time. However, that time will be worth the effort. After living in constant connection with your valuable items, you will want them replaced as soon as possible. Trying to recall these items, although they mean a lot to you, will be nearly impossible. Especially when attempting to remember hundreds of items, it’s almost guaranteed something will be left out. Overcome fire damage faster with a current home inventory.

How to create a home inventory to prepare for fire damage:

  1. Take pictures of every valuable item. Be sure to take clear snapshots to ensure quality. Make sure to open drawers and look under beds to find the overlooked items.
  2. Upload the pictures to your computer in a word or excel document.
  3. Next to each picture, include its current condition, cost, and location. Be specific. This step is especially important for your most used and most expensive items like electronics, furniture, and appliances.
  4. Continue to update as you replace items. The point of a home inventory is to keep tabs on your current Every year or so, go through your home and note new items.

This is just one way to create an inventory to prepare for fire damage in Goshen. There are even apps specifically designed to help you maintain an inventory of your valuables. Whatever your method, be sure to remember the benefits. If you’re ever subject to fire damage in your home in Goshen, you will be thankful for a home inventory to help you rebound quickly after damage.

What should I do if I have fire damage?

Although a home inventory is a great step to prepare for fire damage, it won’t prevent a fire. Unfortunately, fire ravages thousands of homes a year. If you’ve fallen victim to fire and the following damage that occurs, let Advanced Disaster Recovery Inc. in Goshen help you in repairing your home. The smoke, soot, and ash is too overwhelming and complicated a task for the average homeowner. Get in touch with us today if you need to get rid of fire damage ASAP.