Advanced Disaster Recovery Inc

Inline Photography for Calamities Damages Inspection

When a natural disaster strikes, it’s vital to identify structural damage to homes. This can be done with Inline photography, which streamlines repair and insurance claims. This article will discuss the importance of identifying structural damage from disasters and how to prepare for and perform a thorough inspection. This article also discusses the benefits of using Inline photography for a streamlined insurance claim and repair process.

Identifying structural damage caused by a natural disaster

Before you begin your inspection, it’s important to understand the rules and regulations governing building codes. First, identify applicable Building Code requirements and state adoptions. Second, determine if structural damage was caused by a storm, earthquake, or a hurricane. In some cases, you’ll need the help of a licensed design professional or building consultant. Although this may not be feasible in every situation, your documents will be useful to consultants later.

In general, the goal of property restoration is to restore the structure to its pre-loss condition. This includes ensuring compliance with local building codes. Knowledge of these requirements and issues is critical to achieving code compliance and achieving pre-loss condition. Certified building inspectors and building officials such as Erik Fritzberg and Mike Rimoldi can help you assess the damage. These professionals have specific training in determining the damage that has occurred to your property.

Preparing for a disaster

Prepare a comprehensive contact list to make sure your team has the necessary information. Contacts can be difficult to get once the event has happened, so make sure your contact list includes several people for each major task. Prepare architectural and structural drawings in several locations and formats to make future disaster responses easier. In addition to detailed contact lists, your team should have all necessary documentation to complete the disaster damage assessment. ICC has a useful When Disaster Strikes workbook for disaster response planning.

In the event that you need to hire an inspector, you should have templates prepared before the disaster strikes. A pre-disaster damage assessment checklist will ensure that your inspector checks for any potential damage issues. You can download a sample damage assessment form here. You can also consult FEMA’s templates to complete your damage assessment. These are available for use by tribal, state, and local partners. These templates can help you complete the disaster damage inspection process quickly and accurately.

Performing a thorough inspection after a disaster

The FEMA inspector will come to your home to document any disaster-related damage. However, the inspector cannot determine whether you qualify for FEMA assistance unless you show them the actual documents that have been damaged by the disaster. The inspector will also inventory essential personal property. During the inspection, the inspector will ask you questions regarding the disaster and its effects on your home. The following are some of the steps that you should take during the process.

If you plan to visit the site of a disaster, make sure to leave children with a relative or friend to protect their health. Performing an inspection without the assistance of a building inspector can result in long-term effects. If the door is damaged, it might be providing support to the rest of the house. Moreover, the damage to the structure may not be immediately apparent. Performing a thorough inspection after a disaster is crucial to protecting the health of disaster survivors and the public.